Friday 27 July 2012

Cardboard Flower Decorations

EDIT: The finished product above my wardrobe :)
I took the photo with my phone so its not great, sorry

I can't take credit for this as its an idea that I got off
I am going to stick it above my wardrobe doors as soon as I buy some more silver spray paint to finish spraying it as I ran out half way through spraying and tried to finish off with gold which also ran out..
Here's the finished product drying...
To make this you will need...
PVA Glue
Cardboard tubes
Spray Paint (in your preferred colour)
1. Cut u the tubes into smaller pieces as close in width as possible, I got 4 pieces from each small roll.
2. Squirt a small amount of glue onto each piece of cardboard 
3. Spread the glue around in that area so that you have a line of glue. 
3. Stick them together in the flower shape, 5 works best but you can also use 6 petals. 
4. Slide grips over the cardboard  to keep the petals together why the glue is drying, alternatively you could always use paper-clips.
5. Once they are all dry  arange the flowers in a bigger pattern if you prefer and use any leftover pieces of cardboards as vines by cutting them in half and curling them etc.
6. Then lay out the newspaper outside or in a well ventilated area and spray the entire thing. 
Leave to dry then stick on your wall with blue tack or whatever else you want to use.
I ran out of silver spray half way through and tried to finish off with gold which also ran out so mine isn't quite done but I am going to buy some more spray and finish it off soon. 
Hope you liked it,
Katie xoxo

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