Saturday 6 July 2013

Removable Lace Trimmed Denim Shorts

I have seen loads of lace trimmed denim shorts on the internet lately but being me I didn't want to permanently scar any of my shorts so I came up with a plan. I thought long and hard how do this, I thought about velcro but it would be too itchy when the lace wasn't on it and I thought of gluing but thats too permanent, so I ended up with press studs. :)

You will need:
Denim shorts
Strong Glue
Press studs
tweezers (optional)

Dot the press stud onto the glue using tweezers if you have them.

Stick them as high up on the lace as you can. 

Place them as far away as you want but remember you don't want it falling down between the studs so I did it every inch to inch and a half.

Now stick the other half of the stud onto the stuck down half

now dot some glue onto the stud

Then attach to the jeans, i held it down for a couple of seconds with some tweezers to ensure it stuck

Repeat this all the way around the leg and then of course on the other leg. To stick the lace together at the end I just placed a lot of glue on the overlapping parts and stuck them together. Carefully I then undid the press studs to ensure only the half I wanted to stick had stuck down.
If any of the studs look a little loose just add some more glue to them.

Ta-da you're done :D 

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