Tuesday 7 April 2015

Barry M Makeup Brush Review

So just before Christmas my Real techniques eyebrow and contouring brushes went missing, As both of them come from different sets which cost £15 each I knew that I wasn't going to be able to buy exact replacements. So I had a quick look in superdrug and picked up the Barry M Blusher Brush and Angled Eyeliner Brush. They are £4.99 and £2.99 each respectively which isn't too bad for the quality. I use the angled liner brush for my eyebrows and the blusher brush for blush (since I used the contouring brush for blusher usually.) Both brushes work well, feel soft and I've experienced no shedding from either of them. The angled eyeliner brush works well for eyebrows as its so small so it allows you to be more precise, therefore if you're looking for a softer brow look, this probably isn't the best brush to use, however it's perfect for me. The blusher brush is good, though could do with being a bit denser, I quite often just end up using my real techniques buffing brush with my cream blushers though.
What brush brands would you recommend as an alternative to Real Techniques? Not because I don't love them but just because they're all you ever hear about in the blogosphere!

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